
Maryland DUI Lawyer Blog


Supreme Court Accepts Another DUI Case

Today the Supreme Court granted certiorari sought by Missouri in Missouri v. McNeely. McNeely was suspected of DUI when police had blood withdrawn without a warrant. The Supreme Court of Missouri held that a warrant was required when the facts fell outside the narrow exception created in Schmerber v. California.…


The National College for DUI Defense 2012 Summer Session

The National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) just completed its 3 day summer session, held in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the facilities of Harvard Law School. The College’s mission is to educate lawyers to become more proficient in defense of persons accused of drunk driving. The College’s motto is “Justice Through…


Williams v. Illinois – What now?

Yesterday the Supreme Court announced its opinion in Williams v. Illinois. The decision was anxiously awaited by those of us who have followed the Supreme Court’s recent Confrontation Clause cases, namely Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts and Bullcoming v. New Mexico. Melendez-Diaz had held that the chemist in a drug case must…


Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Program Suffers Another Blow

The Star Tribune newspaper in Minneapolis has published allegations that as part of a program training police officers to become Drug Recognition Experts, officers gave Occupy Wall Street protesters marijuana. “Trooper put on leave as probe of drug-training tactics widens.” This has resulted in the suspension of the DRE program…


Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Protocol is Junk Science Says Carroll County Circuit Court

On March 5, 2012, the Circuit Court for Carroll County, Maryland released its opinion in the case of State v. Brightful, et al., granting the defendants’ pre-trial motions to exclude the opinion of a drug recognition expert (DRE) in each of the consolidated cases. The case was litigated by defense…


WBAL Interview, Thursday, February 2, 2011

Click below to listen to Lenny Stamm’s interview with DJ Kirk McEwen on WBAL on Thursday, February 2, 2011 at 9 p.m. 01 WBAL-AM Post Delay.mp3 02 WBAL-AM Post Delay.mp3 If you are facing criminal or traffic charges in Maryland state or federal court, call Leonard R. Stamm or Johanna…


How can you defend those people?

I recently read a disturbing opinion piece in the New York Times – My Guantánamo Nightmare. The author, Lakhdar Boumediene, wrote the following: On Wednesday, America’s detention camp at Guantánamo Bay will have been open for 10 years. For seven of them, I was held there without explanation or charge.…


Howard County illegal quota results in DUI acquittal

A recent news story disclosed that Howard County police officers were required to write a predetermined number of tickets each shift. Judge throws out DUI case, saying police had quotas – Howard County police chief calls ruling a bad decision. According to the story the Howard County Police Chief was…


Did the December 16, 2011 Dunkirk, Calvert County DUI Roadblock violate the Fourth Amendment?

A recent internet news story described a DUI roadblock or sobriety checkpoint in Dunkirk, Calvert County, where 1054 cars were stopped and one person was arrested for drunk driving. Four Arrests Made at Dunkirk Sobriety Checkpoint (other arrests were made but not for drunk driving). This would appear to have…


The DUI Defense Lawyer as DUI Mechanic/Technician

Criminal defense lawyers are fond of making analogies to explain themselves to non-lawyers. Analogies can be very useful in closing argument and I intend to discuss some of those analogies in a future blog. Today I want to discuss the DUI defense lawyer as a DUI mechanic or technician. Every…

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